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13 Native Sedges of Kentucky

Writer's picture: Zac GnadingerZac Gnadinger

Updated: May 27, 2023

Sedges covering the forest floor

Sedges are grass-like plants, often overlooked in gardens and landscapes, that can add incredible texture and interest to an outdoor space.

Kentucky is home to various native sedges, each with unique characteristics and preferred growing conditions.

In this post, we'll introduce you to 13 of the most noteworthy sedges in Kentucky and explain why they're worth considering for your gardening projects.

Let's get started.

Why Are Native Sedges Important?

Native sedges fill an ecological role similar to native grasses, which prevent erosion by stabilizing the soil and providing food and habitat for various wildlife.

However, while grasses are typically adapted to prairie ecosystems, native sedges thrive in woodland and wetland ecosystems due to their tolerance for partial shade or wet soil conditions, depending on the species.

Because of this, native sedges are perfect alternatives for native grasses in landscaping and restoration projects, particularly in conditions where grasses struggle to survive.

Native Sedges of Kentucky

There are numerous native sedges of Kentucky. This post will focus on species you can typically find at native plant nurseries. Consider adding some to your property as you scroll through.

1. Pennsylvania Sedge

Pennsylvania Sedge

Pennsylvania Sedge (Carex pensylvanica) is a rhizomatous sedge found throughout the eastern United States, including Kentucky, where it's native to almost every region. This low-growing sedge has narrow, dark green leaves and produces small, inconspicuous flowers in the spring. It's attractive appearance and compact size make it a popular choice for woodland landscaping and gardening projects.

Pennsylvania Sedge plant info

2. Frank’s Sedge

Frank’s Sedge

Frank's Sedge (Carex frankii) is a native species found in all regions of Kentucky. It can reach up to 3 feet in height and produces distinctive seed heads resembling bottle brushes. This sedge's unique appearance and wide native range make it a great addition to many restoration and landscaping projects.

Frank’s Sedge plant info

3. Hairy Sedge

Hairy Sedge

Hairy Sedge (Carex hirtifolia) is a species native to most of Kentucky, commonly found along trail edges. Soft hairs cover this medium-sized sedge, which gives it its common name. It's a perfect option for ground cover in a dry, shaded area.

Hairy Sedge plant info

4. Cherokee Sedge

Cherokee Sedge

Cherokee Sedge (Carex cherokeensis) is a rare native species found in The Knobs and Mississippian Plateau regions of Kentucky. This low-growing sedge has narrow, bright green leaves and is an excellent choice for ground cover. In addition, its attractive appearance, and potential as a no-mow option, make it a popular choice for landscaping projects.

Cherokee Sedge plant info

5. False Hop Sedge

False Hop Sedge

False Hop Sedge (Carex lupuliformis) is a native sedge species of the eastern United States, including much of Kentucky. This tall-growing sedge produces distinctive, hop-like clusters and has long, arching leaves. Its unique appearance and tolerance to wet soil make it a valuable addition to wetland restoration projects and naturalized landscaping.

False Hop Sedge plant info

6. Fox Sedge

Fox Sedge

Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) is a native sedge species throughout much of North America, including Kentucky. This medium-sized sedge forms beautiful, fine-leaved mounds up to 3 feet tall. Wildlife uses Fox Sedge as a food source and habitat, and it's an excellent plant for stabilizing soil. It's attractive appearance and ecological benefits make it a popular choice for wetland restoration projects and stabilizing pond banks.

Fox Sedge plant info

7. Appalachian Sedge

Appalachian Sedge

Appalachian Sedge (Carex appalachica) is a native sedge species found in rocky, upland habitats throughout the Appalachian Plateaus region in eastern Kentucky. This low-growing sedge has narrow, light green leaves and forms dense clumps. Appalachian Sedge is another native sedge that can be a no-mow ground cover. Its unique appearance and characteristics make it a valuable addition to restoration projects and naturalized landscaping in its native range.

Appalachian Sedge plant info

8. Palm Sedge

Palm Sedge

Palm Sedge (Carex muskingumensis) is a native sedge species found in the wetland habitats of western Kentucky. This medium-sized sedge has long, arching leaves with a distinct palm-like appearance, giving it its common name. In addition, palm Sedge is known for its high tolerance to flooding, making it a valuable species for wetland and riparian restoration efforts.

Palm Sedge plant info

9. Fringed Sedge

Fringed Sedge

Fringed Sedge (Carex crinita) is native throughout much of Kentucky. This clump-forming sedge has shiny, evergreen leaves and typically grows in wet meadows, swamps, and floodplain forests. Birds commonly use Fringed Sedge as a food source and as nesting sites. Its unique appearance and ecological benefits make it an excellent option for wetland restoration projects.

Fringed Sedge plant info

10. Gray’s Sedge

Gray’s Sedge

Gray's Sedge (Carex grayi), also known as Bur Sedge, is a native species throughout Kentucky, particularly in floodplain forests and wetland habitats. This medium-sized sedge has long, narrow leaves and produces unique, pale green seed heads that resemble stars. Gray's Sedge gets its name from Asa Gray, one of America's leading botanists of the 19th Century.

Gray’s Sedge plant info

11. Cattail Sedge

Cattail Sedge

Cattail Sedge (Carex typhina) is a native sedge species in most of Kentucky's floodplain forests and wetland habitats. This attractive sedge produces cylindrical spikes that resemble miniature cattails, hence its common name. Like other sedges from this list, it is an important plant for stabilizing soil, improving water quality, and providing food and wildlife habitat.

Cattail Sedge plant info

12. Blue Wood Sedge

Blue Wood Sedge

Blue Wood Sedge (Carex flaccosperma) is a native species found in the moist woodlands of western Kentucky. This small-sized sedge has narrow leaves with a bluish-green color and produces small, inconspicuous flowers in the spring. It spreads slowly via short rhizomes, eventually forming a sturdy, evergreen ground cover.

Blue Wood Sedge plant info

13. Green Bulrush

Green Bulrush

Green Bulrush (Scirpus atrovirens) is a sedge relative typically found in Kentucky's wetlands and along creek, river, and pond margins. This tall, clumping plant has long, slender leaves and produces brown spikelets that persist from summer to fall. Green Bulrush is an essential plant for stabilizing soil and providing habitat for wildlife, particularly waterfowl, and other birds.

Green Bulrush plant info


The native sedges of Kentucky offer numerous ecological benefits and aesthetic appeal.

Whether planted for erosion control, as a ground cover, or for wildlife habitat enhancement, these sedges are a valuable addition to any restoration project, naturalized landscaping, or conservation effort.

By incorporating native sedges into our landscapes, we can help promote healthy ecosystems and ensure a sustainable future for future generations.


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